The best LAMINATED Veneer dental CLINIC IN Istanbul!

To Whom Is Lamina Dental Veneer Applied?

Lamina Dental Veneer application is mainly preferred for the purpose of removing color changes in teeth or correcting deformities. It is especially ideal for those who have discoloration problems in their teeth and those who cannot find results from teeth whitening applications. It draws attention as a suitable treatment for split tooth (diastema) attachment, correction of broken or worn teeth, deconstructed fillings and those with crooked teeth.

Lamina Dental Veneer Advantages

Unlike other dental aesthetic procedures, there are many advantageous features in the application of lamina dental veneers. The first of these, even the most preferred reason, is its natural appearance. Laminated dental veneers allow light to pass through, as they reflect light by filtering it, just like natural teeth. They also show good stain resistance. Small gaps on the surface of normal tooth enamel are not found on the surface of lamina veneer. Therefore, the problem of quick staining is not observed. Lamina dental veneer application is extremely effective in eliminating problems such as distortions, position disorders and color changes in the teeth.

How Long Is the Life of Lamina Dental Veneers?

Lamina dental veneers continue to be used for years without any problems with good oral care. Lamina dental veneers are produced from porcelain with superior properties compared to bonding applications. They are extremely resistant to problems such as staining and abrasion.

How is Lamina Teeth Applied?

When you come to the first appointment after you decide on the laminate tooth application, preparation is done on the surface of your teeth. The teeth are abraded with a layer of 0.1 – 0.3 mm thick with the support of anesthesia. Measurements are taken. Aesthetic lamina tooth is prepared with the application of CAD CAM system on the precision tooth measure taken. Afterwards, thin ceramic leaf lamina porcelain teeth are polished and dental veneers are produced that can meet the expectations of the patient.

The second appointment is rehearsal. At this stage, if your dentist deems it necessary or if any problem arises, the veneer can be sent to the dental laboratory for correction.

The final part includes the application of the drug that provides chemical adhesion between the tooth surface and the leaf porcelain. The veneer is permanently attached to the tooth.

Lamina Dental Veneers Prices

Lamina tooth veneer prices vary according to the number of teeth.
You can contact Dental Bosphorus specialists for more detailed information about laminate tooth coating applications and prices.

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