Getting Veneers in Turkey is a viable alternative for many patients from abroad. Experienced doctors at our Dental Bosphorus İstanbul have been offering veneers in istanbul for many years. Patients are happy for being able to afford premium materials and get their treatment done by experienced doctors.
Our doctors have years of experience when it comes to cosmetic dentistry especially veneers.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells made from different material to give patients the aesthetic look they want. They offer an aesthetic look. Broken, discolored teeth can be reshaped using veneers. This makes veneers an important cornerstone for any cosmetic dental treatment.

How are Veneers applied?

After assessing patients needs and an initial examination patient will be recommended a certain amount of veneers depending on their needs and expectations from smile design. The treatment starts with the dentist preparing the teeth for veneers which consists of cleaning and minimal abrasion of teeth. The dentist will make an impression of the teeth and send this impression to the dental lab. After being produced in the lab. Veneers will be tried on the patient and the dentist will do the fine work. In the end veneers will be permanently glued on the teeth.

What are the advantages of Veneers?

*Unlike dental crowns the teeth will only slightly abraded. That means minimal tissue loss. Only 0,3 to 0,5 mm
*Protection of gum (gingiva) is much better than crowns.
*It will be aesthetically very pleasing. Due to how veneers react to light sources. They look very natural.
*ıt will be very resistant against wear and tear.
*Treatment time is relatively short
*Results are immediate.
*Veneers are stain proof that means they stay the way they were on the first day you got them.

Should you get Veneers in Turkey?

If you wish to have the best smile you can have with premium materials and for a reasonable price our Dental Bosphorus İstanbul is the place for you.

Getting Veneers in Turkey is an easy process. All you need to do is contact us with some photos of your smile so we can start with your initial consultation. Unlike their European or American counterparts Turkish dentists have vast experience in the field due to attractive prices. More people from all over the world take advantages of Turkish doctors experience and fair prices. They can’t all be wrong. If you have any problems many clinics including ours offer warranty for the treatment.

What to do after getting Veneers in Turkey?

You have to keep brushing your teeth as usual. Your mouth hygiene is very important. Follow your dentists instructions and don’t forget to visit your dentist back home for regular check ups. Gettings Veneers in Turkey is not different than getting them done in anywhere else.