
It is the use of various dentistry branches one by one or in harmony with each other in order to eliminate the problems in the appearance or structure of the teeth. The common point of all these dentistry branches is to ensure that the person has a beautiful smile. There are 3 basic points to have an aesthetic and beautiful smile. Teeth, gums and lips.

Aesthetic problems;

 - Disorders in the color of the teeth

 - Imperfections in the shape of the teeth

 - Imperfections in the positions of the teeth

 - Missing teeth

 - Problems with gums

 - Jaw mismatches

All these components must be evaluated and analyzed correctly by your dentist in order to achieve the ideal smile you dream of.


Because it is an aesthetic whole. At this point, it is necessary to distinguish between dental aesthetics and smile aesthetics.
While dental aesthetic applications are only concerned with the appearance of the teeth, smile design applications can also include gums, lips and even nasal aesthetic treatments.

Before performing dental aesthetic treatment, the structure, position, color, symmetry of the teeth, their alignment on the jaw, and the ratios of teeth and gums to each other are examined in detail. At the end of this examination, the most correct procedure or procedures to be applied to your teeth are determined. After this stage, you are ready for dental aesthetics or smile design.



It is one of the most popular applications preferred for dental aesthetics and smile design.

You can find dental aesthetics applications here.